Nunzia Catalfo



Nunzia Catalfo (born 29 July 1967) is an Italian politician, member of the Five Star Movement. She served as Minister of Labour and Social Policies in the Conte II Cabinet.

Early life and education

Catalfo was born in Catania on 29 July 1967. She has a high school degree in science.


In 2013 she became a senator for the Five Star Movement. She was re-elected to the Senate in 2018. On 5 September 2019 she was appointed the Minister of Labour and Social Policies in the second Conte cabinet.

Personal life

Catalfo is married and has two children.


21st-century Italian women politicians 1967 births Conte II Cabinet Five Star Movement politicians Italian Ministers of Labour Living people Politicians from Catania Senators of Legislature XVII of Italy Senators of Legislature XVIII of Italy Women government ministers of Italy 20th-century Italian women Women members of the Senate of the Republic (Italy) {{Italy-politician-stub